My Creative Processing Revealed.

Leaves created using Soldering Iron.

The pages below #1-8, reveal a method I sometimes use in creating my T/A, called 'Trial and Error' :) An adding to OR subtracting from approach. Quickly followed by the question "does it look right now"?

It can be quite tedious this way, but if it doesn't look right of course you need to trial other ideas.

Processes I have used in this piece include:-

Acrylic Painting on felt. Free motion machining and Hand stitch on the faces. Extensive Soldering Iron use, for the pattern work on the created dress fabric, for leaves, lips, eyes, flower shapes etc.The flowers were made from florist plastic heated with a hobby Heat Gun, and some using a flat iron. The head band and monkey's body have been made from machine Needle Felting on some of my Hand Knitting. The monkey's head was made using the needle felting machine on pre felts and wool yarn.The hair in 4 &7 is Hand Dyed and Hand Spun wool.  Finally, the Applique technique.

Page 9 Frida Kahlo and her Monkey self portrait (My Inspiration)

1.Face cut from white felt and marked temporarily with a Frixion Pen (removable with heat)

2.Face painted using Acrylic paints

3.Iris and pupil cut from fabric using soldering iron

4.Flowers created using florist plastic. Distortion created using heat gun

5.Ideas time, including a felt hat, wool hair, plus necklace etc represented by using cut paper

6. Big changes, FMM on facial features.More soldering iron work for leaves,& dress. Machine needle felted monkey & head band.

7. Further major changes.Is this it? If so, I can now start attaching it to the background. I'm thinking of calling it Frida and her Monkey, inspired by the Artist Frida Kahlo (9.Below).

8. FINISHED! Frida & Monkey (With added Hand sewing,& Makeup)

The artist, Frida Kahlo a self portrait