Developing ONE image

I thought you might be interested to see how I develop one image... for Textile Art.

I went with a group of art friends to Paris, and of course went on a trek around the various galleries to seek out all my favourite painters from the 20th century. One of the people touring as well was "Helen". That's a photo of her in the display above. On my return to home it was requested by the tour guide that we all submit an artistic response to our travels, for an exhibition. So this was my submission.

So starting with the photo of Helen (#1), I did an ink sketch of her (#2), that then turned into my Andy Warhol version of her with the French flag colours (#3). Of course the next is a Picasso Harlequin version (4#). The next is a Cubist collage version (#5). The last was a Georges Rouault version (#6). (The tour guide told me that  "You got one of them right"... Ouch!) I have since added more see below

So the next four are recent additions, 2 Klimt pencil sketch versions (#7&#8), another  Klimt in a textile/colour version (#9) and the last is an abstracted 1970's version (#10). Each of these last two images I think would be suitable as a starting point for a Textile Art project. See the slide show above, with a big screen and and accompaning music, click on sound.  Jill